My last icon batch is from June 21st. :O I didn't mean to take a break or anything, but I just didn't feel like making icons these past few months, I simply had no creativity. Anyway, my muse is somewhat back, see for yourself.... ;D
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Long time, no see, huh? This will change, I promise. In fact, I have been working on some icons and a new brush set. So, watch out for that within the next days...
But in the meantime you can watch my latest fanvid.
Long time, no see, huh? I'm sorry for my absence, but after my last graphic post I just didn't feel like making graphics or every time I started with something it turned out to be crap
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You should get me arrested for not posting in a while. Anyhoodle, there are still some of those Christmas requests I have to do (which will be in the next post). Cross your fingers it won't take me another month to post them.^^001-003 : Criminal Minds
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Long time, no graphics! Most of these icons were made shortly after my last graphic post in October and most of them suck, so that's why I really needed to clean my icon folder before New Year's Eve.^^ Anyhoodle, I also changed the profile and the layout of cool_graphix001-009 : Britney Spears
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